["Barber Pro","Barbersupplies Canada","Beard Care for Barbers","Beard Care for Retail","Convictional","dep1-10.00","dep2-10.00","fvideo-CaptainFawcettCollectionvideoBS","p1-16.00","p2-10.00","p6c-10.00","Product Type_Beard Care","Purpose_For Retail Sale","Purpose_Professional Use","Retail Product","Retail-only","rvideo-Top10videoBS","tgbundle","wp"]
Captain Fawcett’s delightfully hand-crafted fine toothed Folding Pocket Beard Comb (CF.82T)... is the veritable bees knees. An indispensable aid for the grooming, maintenance & shaping of your beard & moustache, helping to ensure you appear shipshape & Bristol fashion whatever the day may hurl your way.